Sunday 10 April 2011

"Every good painter paints what he is."

- Jackson Pollock
This quote inspired me to do this :

I combined images of paintings i've done with my profile. I was also inspired to showcase it this way from a photo I saw floating around tumblr the other day, it was of a girl who was filled with flowers and looked so good, I wanted to attempt something similar, i think it turned out fairly successful.

I am getting into a point in time of my life where i want to leave nothing behind, jump in and just do. I want to turn over every stone in my way, and experience all that I can! I want to test myself artistically, and be me. With summer fast approaching, this will be achieved!

have loving interactions


Thursday 7 April 2011

Today, the 7th

this video has inspired me:

to do what i do not know, but the words are simple and clear, "keep motivation simple"
and my motivation for right now is to get better so then i can start to live again!

loverly evening to you!


Wednesday 6 April 2011

First Post

So I'm sure that first posts are suppose to be rather fun filled and full of excitement. But this one is just me? I'm working on figuring out my life and my creative outlets, and sources of inspiration, so hopefully, documenting said things will help me figure it out, and figure out who I am.

Currently I have mono, so life in the past month has been extremely lack-luster and boring. I am on the mends how ever, and I expect to get into the full swing of life. Summer is soon approaching with the end of school quickly on its way. Time for travels, photos, friends and sun! Music, movies, and being creative will hopefully dominate my plans for the summer. I hope to accomplish some mini self motivated projects.

I don't know where this first post is going, but I will end it quite quick here {because its past my bed time :( } But this blog is for the purpose of simply letting me organize my thoughts, and realize what I like, and why. So for the people who might stumble upon this, enjoy?

lovely lives for all
